제목 : Direct Observation of Particle-To-Particle Variability in Ambient Aerosol pH Using a Novel Analytical Approach Based on Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
저널 : Environmental Science & Technology
링크 : https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.est.4c00220
The pH of atmospheric aerosols is a key characteristic that profoundly influences their impacts on climate change, human health, and ecosystems. Despite widely performed aerosol pH research, determining the pH levels of individual atmospheric aerosol particles has been a challenge. This study presents a novel analytical technique that utilizes surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy to assess the pH of individual ambient PM2.5–10 aerosol particles in conjunction with examining their hygroscopic behavior, morphology, and elemental compositions. The results revealed a substantial pH variation among simultaneously collected aerosol particles, ranging from 3.3 to 5.7. This variability is likely related to each particle’s unique reaction and aging states. The extensive particle-to-particle pH variability suggests that atmospheric aerosols present at the same time and location can exhibit diverse reactivities, reaction pathways, phase equilibria, and phase separation properties. This pioneering study paves the way for in-depth investigations into particle-to-particle variability, size dependency, and detailed spatial and temporal variations of aerosol pH, thus deepening our understanding of atmospheric chemistry and its environmental implications.